Center for Excellence in Early Education

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At United Way Miami, early childhood education is the foundation of everything we do. High-quality education in the earliest years of a child’s life plays a vital role in future success.

The Center for Excellence in Early Education (CFE) opened its doors in 2007, with the mission of elevating the quality of early education for all children in Miami-Dade and beyond. Our vision is that all children have access to the highest quality early care and education so they can have the best possible start in school and in life.

Curriculum key practices include:

  • Meaningful Environments
  • Continuity of Care
  • Dual Language Learning
  • Early Literacy
  • Family Engagement
  • Inquiry-Based Learning
  • Scientific Mathematical Thinking
  • Social Emotional Development
  • Technology
  • Wellness
  • And more

    Apply now for the 2024-2025 school year; spots are open.

    Please fill out the following form to express your interest, and a team member will contact you shortly to discuss the next steps. If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us at 305-631-7639 or email us at [email protected].

    First Name

    Last Name

    Email address (required)

    Phone number

    Preferred method of contact

    Child’s Birthday

    How did you hear about us?

    Additional Comments or Questions

    Making the Case

    We focus on the early years because we know that expanding and providing access to high-quality early care and education is among the smartest investments we can make. The first years in a child’s life – when most of their brain is forming – sets the foundation for success in school and in life. To thrive and become productive adults, all children need strong families, good health, quality learning opportunities and supportive communities.

    Without a high-quality early childhood education, at-risk children are:

    • 25% more likely to drop out of school
    • 40% more likely to become a teen parent
    • 50% more likely to be placed in special education
    • 60% more likely to never attend college
    • 70% more likely to be arrested for a violent crime

    Our work is guided by the latest research showing that the earliest years of a child’s life set the foundation for a healthy and productive future.

    With your support, we continue to make great strides in preparing young children for success in school and life.

    Now Accepting Step-Up at Our Location

    Image that reads Scholarships Accepted Here! Step Up for Students

    Demonstration School, Educare Miami 

    The United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education Demonstration School, Educare of Miami-Dade welcomes 116 children and their families. Children range in age from six weeks to five years old. Everything from curriculum to the 12,495-sq-ft high-tech facility is designed to stimulate young minds and deepen children’s investigation of the world around them, preparing them cognitively, physically and emotionally to enter school eager and ready to learn.

    Essential Practices of Educare include:

    Data Utilization
    High Quality Teaching Practices
    Job Embedded Professional Development
    Intensive Family Engagement

    School Tours

    Our Demonstration School responds to children’s interests, nurtures concentration, creativity, and the motivation to independently learn and explore.

    See the Center in action. The United Way Center for Excellence is located in downtown Miami. If you’re a prospective family, please contact us to schedule your tour.

    To RSVP for this tour, please contact:
    Iselda Rodriguez, center receptionist
    305-631-7639 | [email protected]

    Key Programs

    Mixed Income Model

    At the United Way Miami Center for Excellence demonstration school, a mixed-income model is implemented to create an inclusive and high-quality early childhood education environment. This model seamlessly integrates Head Start children and families, who receive subsidized enrollment based on eligibility criteria, with private-paying families who contribute to the center’s sustainability. All children, regardless of their payment status, benefit from a comprehensive curriculum, experienced teachers, nutritious meals, health screenings, and family support services. This approach fosters diversity, social-emotional development, and community engagement while ensuring equitable access to educational opportunities for every child.

    Continuity of Care/ Primary Caregiver

    Primary Caregiving is the practice where the care of each infant is assigned to one specific caregiver/teacher who is principally responsible for caring for that child in the Center as well as communicating with the child’s family. Through this practice the primary caregiver develops a strong relationship with the family and builds a child’s attachment to a familiar adult

    The primary caregiver is responsible for observing, documenting, and planning for each child’s development process and learning, supporting transitions, and carrying out most of the child’s personal care routines.

    With an emphasis on continuity of care, children enrolled in the Demonstration School are grouped utilizing the concept of “families”, where a child has the same group for his/her first three years of life, limiting the number of transitions a child goes through during this period. Each family moves together to the next classroom, from infants to a toddler 1 group (12 to 24 months old, then to a toddler 2 classroom (24 to 36 months old) and finally to a preschool classroom where they get a new group of teachers. This teaching practice serves to strengthen the relationship each child shares with staff members, families and other children in their own classroom. All of these relationships play a major role in children’s development in the early years as they interact with people in their life for a longer period of time.

    Inquiry Based Learning

    Visible Thinking is a broad and flexible framework for enriching classroom learning in the content areas and fostering children’s intellectual development at the same time. Here are some of its key goals:

    Deeper understanding of content

    • Greater motivation for learning
    • Development of learners’ thinking and learning abilities.
    • Development of learners’ attitudes toward thinking and learning and their alertness to opportunities for thinking and learning (the “dispositional” side of thinking).
    • A shift in classroom culture toward a community of enthusiastically engaged thinkers and learners.

    Toward achieving these goals, Visible Thinking involves several practices and resources. Teachers are invited to use with their children a number of “thinking routines” — simple protocols for exploring ideas — around whatever topics are important.

    Early Literacy

    Through a literary arts component, children learn how to communicate with the world around them. We know that early language and literacy development begins in the first three years and is closely linked to a child’s earliest experiences with books and stories. These experiences are the building blocks for language, reading and writing development. Research shows that children gain significant knowledge of language, reading and writing long before they enter school. An infant may regard a book through touch and, if he puts it in his mouth, through taste. A 2-year-old may handle a book differently, particularly those with flaps and moving parts. A 4-year-old might tell the story by looking at the pictures, and a 5-year-old is precise in her page-turning. At the Demonstration School, an emphasis is placed on exploring and playing with books, singing nursery rhymes, listening to stories, recognizing words, scribbling, and the art of storytelling, all of which are truly the building blocks for language and literacy development and communication.

    Family Engagement

    Family engagement is a key component of the Demonstration School’s work. The family engagement staff works with families to promote and enhance the family-child relationship. They also provide families with information about their child’s growth and development and provide them with the opportunity to gain strategies they can use to promote their child’s learning at home and in school.

    All staff members are trained in Touchpoints, a framework developed by Dr. T. Berry Brazelton, which focuses on the family-child relationship and uses the knowledge families have on their child to best address his/her developmental needs.

    • Families are an essential component of the school.
    • Family engagement means that families take an active role in their child’s education, perspective and participation.
    • Teachers work closely with Families, Family Engagement staff, Mentor teachers and Director.
    • Invite families to be part of experiences occurring in the classroom.
    • The teacher, parent and child as collaborators in the process of learning.
    • The family works closely with the Family Engagement Staff.


    At the demonstration school, inclusion is a core practice that embodies values, policies, and strategies ensuring the participation of every child and their family, irrespective of ability, in diverse activities and contexts as integral members of society.

    The inclusive experiences sought for children, both with and without disabilities, prioritize a sense of belonging, positive social connections, and holistic development to realize their utmost potential. Key elements defining inclusion in this setting encompass accessibility, active participation, and tailored support systems.

    Children eligible for services under IDEA have their IFSP or IEP reviewed by the Disabilities Coordinator, who collaborates with classroom teachers to adjust environments and teaching approaches accordingly. Ongoing monitoring and consultations by the Disabilities Specialist ensure individualized accommodations are effectively implemented, while fostering parental engagement and awareness through personalized consultations.

    Health, Wellness & Nutrition

    The Demonstration School menu meets dietary recommendations based on Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) by the Institute of Medicine and guidelines from the Child Care Food Program, USDA and Head Start. The menus take into consideration cultural preferences and special dietary requirements for each child with nutrition-related health problems. The quantities and types of foods served conform to recommend serving sizes by the USDA meal pattern.
    Families have the opportunity to have their child screened for hearing and vision during the first 45 days of enrollment. The Demonstration School also provides various health and safety trainings throughout the year. A nutritionist consultant meets with families as needed and the family engagement team provides families information about resources in the community. United Way also promotes healthy eating by providing low-income families with access to a pantry that allows them to shop at no cost for food.

    Meaningful Environments

    Planning and arranging space is a key – but often overlooked – component of high-quality early education programs. The environment lets a child know they are safe, they belong, and they are valued. It drives their sense of self and development of identity. When setting up the classroom, teachers at the Demonstration School intentionally create environment that enables children to develop relationships with the world around them, themselves and each other. The Demonstration School program is based on the constructivism theory. This theory is based on the belief that children construct their knowledge by being exposed to experiences and provocations. A constructivist environment supports learning by allowing children to make choices and uses a wide variety of materials that provide an infinite number of possibilities.

    Social Emotional Learning

    We use different approaches and strategies to develop and promote social emotional skills. One being the Pyramid Model which is a tiered approach that allows us to adapt strategies for each child’s individual needs.

    As children develop emotionally they become more aware of their feelings and needs as well as that of others. Children learn about self-awareness and how to self-regulate. Some strategies incorporated in the classroom to support social emotional development:

    • Brain Games help children get better at: remembering directions, listening carefully, using self-control & thinking flexibly. These basic skills are foundational for: learning in school, getting along with others and coping with challenges.
    • We chose to continue to enhance the concept of mindfulness in our school because we understand the benefits these will bring to our teachers, children and families. We hope that by following the mindful thinker’s strategies we can work on the concepts of mindfulness, executive function, attention, depression, stress and less negative behaviors. Teachers receive professional development on how they can develop mindful thinkers. The goal is for the teaching staff to receive resources around the area of mindfulness.

    For young children, mindfulness begins as an embodied experience-an awareness of sensations in how their bodies, what their minds are doing, and what they are experiencing emotionally. We notice how our minds, hearts, and bodies feel when we stop, breathe, and just be in the moment.

    Why is mindfulness Important?

    When children are aware of what is happening inside of themselves, they are more able to focus and regulate their attention.

    • Inner Explorer is a program made up of a series of daily 5-10-minute audio-guided mindfulness practices. The program focuses on key areas of development, bringing mindfulness to education and helping children prepare for learning. Daily practice teaches children the practical techniques to appropriately handle difficult emotions such as stress, anxiety, anger and more. The mindfulness practices focus on the following:
    • Discovering Breathing and Relaxation Exercises
    • Learning Awareness of Senses
    • Using Thought and Emotional Regulation
    • Developing Compassion and Connection
    • Promoting Social Emotional Learning


    Science & Engineering:

    Children develop their science knowledge through both formal and informal learning opportunities and those skills develop over time through sustained engagement with new ideas and concepts.

    Science learning experiences based using the science framework that encourages children to think critically about a particular science concept for an extended period.

    There are various science practices that children use repeatedly across content areas, such as observing, predicting, comparing, contrasting, and experimenting.

    Providing opportunities to engage children in science exploration and discovery; that support children to practice inquiry skills through deep engagement with science concepts; by engaging children in life science, physical science, earth, space science, and engineering; and by incorporating mathematics and literacy as critical to the scientific work.

    The garden in the Demonstration School’s backyard provides a living laboratory for children birth to 5 while serving as a demonstration model for early care and education professionals. It promotes nature as a context for learning and allows teachers to use the natural world as an educational tool by offering learning opportunities in science, math, ecology, biology, art and horticulture.


    At the Demonstration School technology is used as another medium to help children and teacher solve problem, communicate and research topics. Classrooms are equipped with technology that allows teaching staff to observe and document the learning process taking place. Teachers use cameras and iPads to photograph and record children learning experiences. Children use tools such as computer, touch screen devices, Mp3 players, digital camera, digital microscopes, and projectors to explore and gain deeper understanding of the world around them.

    Families are encouraged to use the computers available in the family room to access emails sent to them by their child’s teachers or access other resources.


    Emphasizes the math concepts within and extended from children’s natural activity with engaging stories and activities.

    Provide children experiences and interests with an emphasis on supporting mathematical thinking and reasoning. (Early Numeracy Skills). Thinking and Reasoning: Classification, Seriation Causality, Spatial relations, Representation, Number and quantity. Order (Sorting, sequencing, and patterns).

    Dual Language

    This vital aspect of the Demonstration School programming focuses on exposing children to a second language. Strategies are introduced to help families increase their understanding of the importance of communicating in the home language, while they support a child in the process of learning a second language. This practice focuses on the child’s capacity to learn multiple languages while providing training that is tailored to families and teachers on the language learning process.

    Mentor Teachers (key roles)

    Mentor teachers play a crucial role in the Demonstration School’s approach to ensuring instructional quality. They are former teachers who have deep expertise in early childhood instruction and who the Demonstration School has trained to work with teachers to improve their practice. Mentor teachers support teachers work with teachers in a continuous improvement cycle that includes four key components: They review child data, review and troubleshoot lesson plans, conduct observations, and provide individual coaching. First, the mentor teacher and teacher review child assessment data together to identify and categorize children’s needs. Then the teacher creates a set of weekly lesson plans, informed by those data and the curriculum rubrics. The mentor teacher reviews the lesson plans, provides feedback, and makes suggestions for improvement. At least once a week the Mentor teacher then observes the teacher implementing their lesson plans. And at the end of this cycle, mentor teachers conduct individualized coaching sessions with teachers. During these coaching sessions, Mentor teachers use curriculum rubrics to provide feedback on the teacher’s practice, and work with teachers to co-create individual development plans to support their instructional goals.

    Data Utilization

    We use data to make decisions. Data is any information collected in a relatively consistent manner. Data help us to think about program goals, create plans and thinking of continuous quality improvement.

    Assessments: These are tools that give the teacher guidelines to show where the child stands in the process of their development. Assessment in an early childhood classroom is important because it drives the teacher’s lesson plans. A developmentally appropriate assessment includes observations of the child as he goes about his business.

    Screenings Conducted: Early Childhood Screening involves testing children between the ages of infant and 5 in basic health and developmental areas including hearing, vision, coordination, speech, cognitive development, and social and emotional skills. The screening’s purpose is to identify health, developmental and/or other factors that may interfere with a child’s learning, growth and development.

    Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership (EHS-CCP) 

    With a federal grant awarded in 2014, the CFE was able to expand its reach and provide additional resources to 504 low-income infants and toddlers with high-quality early care and education in 20 programs throughout our community. Three of these programs are operated by the CFE at Miami-Dade County Public Schools: Ethel Beckford/Richmond Elementary, Lillie C. Evans K-8, Carol City Elementary as well as the Lotus House.

    girl playing with items she finds on the floor

    EHS-CCP Centers

    Full list of EHS-CCP centers

    • A New World Academy I, 19800 North Miami Ave, Miami, FL, 33169
    • Bethany Child Development Center, 4400 NW 183ST, Miami Gardens, FL, 33055
    • Carol City Elementary School, 4375 NW 173rd Dr, Miami Gardens, FL, 33055
    • Clements Family Day Care Home, 2173 NW 81 St, Miami, FL, 33147
    • Easter Seals Ophelia Brown, 16425 NW 25 Ave, Opa-locka, FL, 33054
    • Easter Seals South Florida (CIVIC), 1475 NW 14 Ave, Miami, FL, 33125
    • Ethel F. Beckford/Richmond Elementary School, 16929 SW 104 Ave, Miami, FL, 33157
    • Greater Love Primary, 18200 NW 22nd Ave, Miami Gardens, FL, 33056
    • Kids Small World, 3360 West Flagler St, Miami, FL, 33135
    • Lillie C. Evans Elementary School02/01/2024, 1895 NW 75th St, Miami, FL, 33147
    • Lotus Village, 217 NW 15th St, Miami, FL, 33136
    • Miami Gardens Learning Center, 16600 NW 25th ave, Miami Gardens, FL, 33054
    • Mitchell Large Family Child Care Home, 1421 NW 5 Ave, Florida City, FL, 33034
    • Osman Family Day Care Home, 15341 NW 30 Ave, Opa-locka, FL, 33054
    • Our Lady Of Lourdes, 1164 West 71 Street, Hialeah, FL, 33014
    • St Albans Day Nursery Inc (Coconut Grove), 3465 Brooker St, Miami, FL, 33133
    • St Albans Day Nursery Inc (South Miami Location), 6060 SW 66th St, South Miami, FL, 33143
    • Tiny Kingdom Learning Center, 700 NW 10th Ave, Homestead, FL, 33030
    • Tiny Smile Learning Center II, 5605 NW 32nd Ave, Miami, FL, 33142

    The EHS-CCP is currently accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year!

    Connecting Assessments with Intentional Teaching (CAIT) 

    In 2019, United Way Miami launched Connecting Assessment with Intentional Teaching, or CAIT, to provide free assessment training and implementation support to early childhood educators and administrators in low-income neighborhoods throughout Miami-Dade.

    As part of a four year, $1 million grant from The Children’s Trust, the CFE manages, coordinates and provides Teaching Strategies GOLD® assessment training, which teaches educators how to use individual student assessment results to tailor their teaching to improve student outcomes and progress.

    Pathways to Quality 

    Ensuring children have the physical, cognitive, language foundation and executive foundation to succeed in school and in life.

    To elevate the quality of classroom instruction, United Way Pathways to Quality works with early care and education professionals across Miami-Dade. United Way provides professional learning opportunities and coaching that enhance the skills of early care teachers and program administrators. Pathways to Quality leverages United Way Miami funding and the expertise of the United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education to curate intentional professional development.

    Invested $829,000 funding:

    • 8 Community Agencies
    • 21 Distinct Program Locations


    Centro Hispano Catolico

    Good Shepherd

    Notre Dame

    Sagrada Familia


    Glen Greenstein Early Childhood Development Center


    Early Childhood Academy


    Project Thrive Florida City

    Project Thrive Kendall


    Centro Mater East

    Centro Mater West

    Centro Mater West II

    Centro Mater West Walker Park


    Civic Child Development Center

    Ophelia Brown Child Development Center


    Centro Villas Child Development Center

    Everglades I Child Development Center

    Fernando Pro Junior Child Development Center

    Redlands Child Development Center

    South Dade Development Center


    Carol Glassman Center

    Intergenerational Center

    Our Impact

    Since the CFE opened its doors

    baby smiling at woman who is holding him


    early care and education professionals have benefitted from professional learning opportunities.

    teacher hugging little student

    $100+ million

    in early childhood funding increases through our advocacy work.

    In 17 years, together with many early education partners, the CFE provided:

    three children sharing a book


    children with quality early interventions and experiences that increased their chances for success in school and in life.

    group of teachers talking in school classroom


    total hours of professional learning to 34,789 early care and education professionals.

    boy experimenting with learning toys


    early care and education programs with quality enhancement services.

    Our Partners

    Program Partners

    Barry University
    Branches, Inc.
    Children’s Forum
    The Children’s Movement of Florida
    The Children’s Trust
    Citrus Health Network, Inc.
    Colgate Bright Smiles
    Community Action and Human Services Agency
    Community Playthings
    Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dade/Monroe
    Educare Learning Network
    Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden
    Family Central, Inc.
    Florida Department of Children and Families
    Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade
    Florida Head Start Collaboration Office
    Florida International University, College of Education
    Florida State University
    Free Injury Coalition for Kids – Miami
    Fruity Veggie Nutrition
    The Hawn Foundation
    Head Start/Early Head Start Program
    Healthy Start Coalition
    Hearing and Speech Center of Florida, Inc.
    Institute for Child & Family Health, Inc.
    Miami Children’s Hospital
    Miami Children’s Initiative
    Miami Dade College
    Miami-Dade County
    Miami-Dade County Public Schools
    My Therapy Center
    Stop Parenting Alone
    Nova Southeastern University
    Ounce of Prevention Fund
    Short Chef
    Teaching Strategies
    United Way Worldwide
    University of Florida
    University of Miami
    University of Miami Frost School of Music
    Visible Thinking, South Florida
    Zero to Three

    National Advisory Board

    Gina Barclay-McLaughlin, Ph.D.
    University of Tennessee

    Carol Jenkins Barnett
    Publix Super Markets, Inc.

    Paula Jorde Bloom, Ph.D.
    McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership

    Roger H. Brown
    Bright Horizons

    Donna Bryant, Ph.D.
    Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center

    Monsignor Franklyn M. Casale, M. Div.
    St. Thomas University

    Richard Clifford
    Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center

    Josue Cruz Jr., Ph.D.
    Bowling Green State University

    Jerlean E. Daniel, Ph.D.
    National Association for the Education of Young Children

    Richard D. Fain
    Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd.

    Melvyn R. Fletcher M.D.
    Florida Blue

    Dana E. Friedman, Ed.D.
    National Academy Foundation

    Stewart D. Friedman, Ph.D.
    University of Pennsylvania

    Ellen Galinsky
    Families and Work Institute

    Howard Gardner, Ph.D.
    Harvard Graduate School of Education

    Janet Gonzalez-Mena

    Dominic F. Gullo, Ph.D.
    Drexel University

    Sharon Lynn Kagan, Ed.D.
    Columbia University

    Candice P. Lange
    Lange Advisors

    David Lawrence Jr.
    The Children’s Movement of Florida

    James Levine

    Joan Lombardi, Ph.D.
    Bernard van Leer Foundation

    Christina Lopez-Morgan

    Tammy L. Mann, Ph.D.
    The Campagna Center

    Samuel J. Meisels, Ed.D.
    Erickson Institute

    Evelyn K. Moore
    National Black Child Development Institute

    Kristen Moore

    Robin D. Morris

    Roger Neugebauer
    World Forum Foundation

    Eduardo J. Padrón, Ph.D.
    Miami Dade College

    Pamela Paresky, Ph.D.
    Aspen Center for Human Development

    Christine Coyle Papera

    Michelle Seligson

    Donna E. Shalala, Ph.D.
    University of Miami

    Diane Trister-Dodge

    Gerrit Westervelt

    Marian Wright-Edelman
    Children’s Defense Fund

    Edward Zigler, Ph.D.
    Yale University

    Funding Partners

    $5 MILLION +
    The Batchelor Foundation
    The Children’s Trust
    The Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dade/Monroe
    Geraldine and Bennett LeBow

    $1 MILLION -$ 4,999,999
    Edmund N. Ansin
    The Buffett Early Childhood Fund
    Dolphin Digital Media
    Florida Blue
    Jane Hsiao
    Miguel B. Fernández Family
    Miami-Dade County
    Royal Caribbean/Celebrity Cruises
    Soffer Family
    United States Department of Education
    United States Department of Health and Human Services

    $ 100,000 – $ 999,999
    Applebaum Foundation
    Arriola Family
    Auto Nation
    Avanti Case-Hoyt
    Carol Jenkins Barnett and Barney Barnett
    Kerrin and Peter L. Bermont
    Yolanda and Jeffrey Berkowitz
    Carol Greenberg Brooks
    Antonio Cabrera, Jr.
    Carricarte Foundation
    Comcast Foundation
    Continental Real Estate Companies
    Laura Coulter-Jones
    The Children’s Movement of Florida
    Educare Learning Network
    Colleen and Richard D. Fain
    FedEx Latin America and Caribbean Division
    Fisher Island Philanthropic Fund
    Fundación Cisneros
    Gorson Family
    Greenberg Traurig LLP
    Holland & Knight LLP
    Kay Hancock-Apfel
    Irving Harris Foundation
    John S. & James L. Knight Foundation
    R. Kirk Landon / Kirk Foundation
    Jan and Daniel Lewis
    Ocean Bank
    The Paresky Family Foundation
    Potamkin Family
    Ryder System, Inc.
    Leslie Miller Saiontz
    Steven J. Saiontz
    United Way of Miami-Dade Women’s Leadership
    Therese Uriarte in memory of R. Kevin Klotz
    Warren Weiser
    Wells Fargo Foundation on behalf of
    Wells Fargo Home Mortgage

    $ 10,000 – $ 99,999
    Abess Family
    Aetna Foundation
    Sari and Arthur, MD Agatston
    Argiz Family
    Badia Spices, Inc.
    Hilarie Bass
    Ana and Manny Becerra
    Linda and Mike Bittel
    Elise and Russell Blackwell
    Susan and Mark D. Bloom
    Community Playthings
    The Cruise Industry Charitable Foundation
    Amy and Edward W. Easton
    Lori S. Ferrell
    Patty and Leonard Fluxman
    Food Industry Crusade Against Hunger
    Fredman Family Foundation, Inc.
    Dalia and Saul Glottman
    Emmanuelle Gattuso
    Claudia Grillo
    Frances and Irving Z. Mogul Memorial Fund
    Harry Kramer Memorial Fund
    Head Start Body Start
    Helios Education Foundation
    Hispanic Obesity Prevention Education
    Iberia Tiles
    IBEW Local 359, AFL-CIO
    Irvin Stern Foundation
    Yvonne R. and Fred Jackson, Jr
    Julius & Eleanor Kass Family Foundation
    Kaplan Early Learning Company
    King Ocean
    Robert and Judith M. Kramer
    Karen Liederman
    Elizabeth B. and Nathan Leight
    Steiner Leisure
    Les B. Levi
    Manuel Diaz Farms
    Manuel Martinez
    Lisa and Victor Mendelson
    Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office
    Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
    The Peacock Foundation
    Peter K. Moser
    Darlene Boytell-Pérez and Jorge M. Pérez
    PPI Group
    The Procter & Gamble Distribution Company
    Toni and Carl Randolph
    Regions Bank
    The Robbie Foundation for Children
    Maria Sastre
    Jo and John C. Sumberg
    Betsy and George Sherman
    Trigram GC
    United Parcel Service
    United Way of Miami-Dade Young Leaders
    Wells Fargo
    Women’s Leadership
    Mary M. Young

    $ 1,000 – $ 9,999
    AFSCME Local 199, AFL-CIO
    AFSCME Local 1363, AFL-CIO
    AFSCME Local 3292, AFL-CIO
    The A.D. Henderson Foundation, Inc.
    Susan Atwater
    AWAS Aviation Services
    Suzanne Bailey
    Barnes & Noble
    Tracey P. Berkowitz
    BJ Wholesale
    Kathryn I. Bohlmann
    Josie Romano Brown and Mark D. Brown, MD
    The Hon. Sue M. and The Hon. Charles E. Cobb, Jr.
    Cisneros Group
    The Cowles Charitable Trust
    Carla Crossno and Tom Gillette
    Dale Carnegie Training Institute
    Emily and Victor Damiano
    The Daphne Seybolt Culpeper Memorial Foundation, Inc.
    Amy and Jesus Diaz, Jr.
    Discovery Networks Latin America
    Dolphin Measurement Systems LLC
    Tania Dominguez
    ExxonMobil Inter-America Inc.
    T. Willard Fair
    Enrique C. Falla
    Mariita and George Feldenkreis
    Mikki and Morris Futernick
    Sue Gallagher
    Barbara F. and Richard G. Garrett
    Robert A. Ginsburg
    Goldman, Sachs & Co.
    Sharon and Charles Griemsman III
    Steven H. Hagen
    Arthur W. Heggen
    Jorge L. Hernandez-Toraño
    Arthur H. Hertz
    Rita Hess
    Janice and Ron Hill
    Gregory S. Hirsch
    Rebekah and Desmond Howard
    HSBC Bank USA
    Suzzanne J. Hubbard
    Investor Solutions, Inc.
    Israel, Rose, Henry & Robert Wiener Charitable Foundation
    Soledad Picon
    David P. Kanios
    Seth R. Kaplan
    Ana R. and Neisen Kaselin
    Kevin J. King
    Tamara A. Klingler and Mayco Villafaña
    Lurlene Kyles and Bill Gasner
    Suzy and Joseph P. Lacher
    Roberta and David Lawrence Jr.
    Aida Levitan and Fausto Sanchez
    Denise LeVin
    Edward London
    Natasha G. and Jack Lowell
    Ann P. Machado
    Magic City Casino
    Amelia Rea Maguire
    Yusneli and Guimel Martinez
    Al R. Maulini
    Judith and Robert Maynes
    Jocelynne P. McAdory
    Angel Medina, Jr.
    Kimberly and Eric Mendelson
    Stuart I. Meyers
    Carlos A. Migoya
    Harve A. Mogul
    Mirjam and Rudolph G., DO Moise
    Ximena and Carlos G. Molina
    Isabel Montes
    Jan and William L. Morrison
    Mary Kay and Corliss J. Nelson
    Susan Potter Norton
    Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
    Ramiro A. Ortiz
    Livia and Aristides Pallin
    Ivette and William R. Phelan
    PNC Foundation
    Publix Super Markets, Inc.
    Claudia Puig
    Gladys Reed
    Gloria M. Rodriguez
    Janice L. Russell
    Connie Ryan and Thomas O. Bales
    Noreen Gordon Sablotsky
    Joan and J. David Scheiner
    Frances A. Sevilla-Sacasa
    Peter L. Sibley
    Gordon H. Silver
    Rodney Smith
    Marty Steinberg
    Judy Cannon and Merrett R. Stierheim
    Tenet Healthcare Foundation
    United Way of Bluegrass
    United Way of Greenville County
    Marielena A. Villamil
    Victoria E. Villalba
    Whole Kids Foundation
    Cynthia E. and Lynn C. Washington
    Marie-Ilene and Thomas Whitehurst
    Yoss LLP
    Zubi Advertising Services, Inc.

    Center Committee

    Wil Blechman, M.D.

    Michael Burke
    Buffet Early Childhood

    Annelies Da Costa Gomez

    Marisol Diaz
    Miami-Dade County

    Lilia DiBello, E.d.D.
    Barry University

    Donna Ginn
    The Mass Companies

    Graham F. Wilson, CFA
    The Related Group of Florida

    Anita Harvey-Dixon
    Educare Learning Network, Ounce of Prevention Fund

    Luis Hernandez
    Western Kentucky University

    Allison Hift

    Pam Hollingsworth
    Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dade/Monroe

    Christine Hughes Pontier, Ph.D.
    The Developing Mother

    Elizabeth Leight, Psy.D.

    Teresa Lowe
    Miami International Airport

    Judith Maynes

    Gina Miles
    Miami-Dade County

    Maite Riestra-Quintero, Ph.D.
    Miami Dade County, Office of Head Start

    Bevone Ritchie
    The Children’s Trust

    Wilma Robles de Melendez, Ph.D.
    Nova Southeastern University, Inc.

    Paola Roman
    Carrfour Supportive Housing, Inc.

    Dana Rosenberg
    Jungle Island

    Brent Saiontz
    Siren MD

    Rachel Spector
    The Children’s Trust

    Sondra Wallace